eHarmony has been forced (coerced, pressured) to make matches for gay couples.
How long until all religious organizations must provide for gay couples?
Doesn't it bother you that religious organizations that have as part of their belief system the opposition to gay relationships are more and more forced (coerced, pressured) to compromise their beliefs and accomodate the gay lifestyle, or refuse and face lawsuits?
What organization will be free from this coersion (force, pressure)? Will churches be forced (coerced, pressured) to marry gay couples or face lawsuits and possibly lose their non-profit status?
And if the gay community is successful at forcing (coercing, pressuring) religious organizations to compromise on this tenant of their belief system in order to stay in business, what other groups will then be embolded to force (coerce, pressure) religious organization to compromise other tenants of their beliefs? Will religious organization be forced to completely drop all of their convictions in the face of political correctness and lawsuits?
Where will all this end?
Click here <-- to see the article about eHarmony.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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