This is powerful.
More of Obama's legacy from Chicago.
Click here <-- to watch how Obama handled things while a State Senator in Chicago.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
PURPOSE STATEMENT: Discuss politics, religion, and current events from a Christian, conservative perspective. Encourage positive engagement with our culture.
All this hatred, half-truths, propaganda and lies with a clear racist undertone / motif...in the name of christianity? What a shame, what a sham.
You have the freedom to express all of this because you live in this great country...a country that has evolved through diversity and tolerance...and yet you are apparently obsessed with removing diversity and tolerance from it's heart and soul.
You have a lot to learn about world history and US history, and apparently christianity, too.
When you say a prayer of salvation today, say one for yourself.
It's interesting that you interpret what I say as having a "racist undertone / motif." I'm wondering how you came to that?
If you look at my blogs, do I ever say anything bad about Obama specifically because he's black? No. I'm worried about Obama because he's clearly demonstrated an affinity for liberal, marxist ideas that have proven to be destructive.
I would say that those who assume a racist motive to others without proof might be the ones who have race on their minds - not the one's they are accusing. Just a thought.
But you are absolutely right on one thing: we both have the right to express this because of this great country we live it. I DO pray that we will maintain these rights in the future.
History was made! You can shut down this blog now. It's up to you: Participate in a hopeful future, or get out of the way!
Wow. Anonymous, your spirit of tolerance and inclusion is awe-inspiring!
I guess there's no room for alternative viewpoints anymore.
Sorry to dissappoint, but I have no intention of shutting down this blog. On the contrary, I plan on staying ever more vigilant.
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