BreakPoint has a post on the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." Within that post is a pretty scathing indictment of Christians who compromised on abortion. Here's the quote:
"But I think everybody needs to see it. ESPECIALLY this week when so many Christians have seen their way to compromising with the greatest social evil of our day - abortion. Our people voted to overlook a little thing like the slaughter of the unborn, because of other considerations like economic prosperity, climate change and the desire to have all the other nations in the world like us again."
I think the point is that abortion is no less of a holocost than what occurred during WWII. And, just like in Germany, it is perpetuated by people who choose to minimize it, look the other way, rationalize it, and/or justify it.
As Christians, what is our response to abortion? What should our response be? Are those two things the same? If not, why not?
Make Alberta America
22 hours ago
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