One of the themes that I have touched on a few times is the idea of encouraging less dependence on governement for meeting our needs. I have heard of and (I think) spoken about a "culture of dependency" that encourages and perpetuates a welfare, nanny state and how we should try to change that. As a firm conservative, I totally believe that government should play a minimal role in our lives and be constrained to basically providing social order and protection to allow the individuals within that society the freedom to pursue their dreams in a free market society. That's all well and good.
I've also said that the church is the one who rightfully ought to be the leader in looking after the poor, the church is the one who ought to provide most of the social needs of society. The church OUGHT to be doing these things. That's all well and good also.
But I've been challenged by some wonderful people lately. I've been asked, "But what if the Church falls down on the job? What if they don't come through?" I've heard heart-breaking stories of Christians who have reached out to the church in their time of need, only to hear a deafening silence. What then?
Frankly, I'm starting to think that if the Church is not performing the functions as it should, it's only natural that the government would step in and fill that role. My view of government would definitely support that, as I believe government bureaurcracy has a natural tendency to expand it's scope and powers. If the church is falling down on the job, I can no longer just completely blame the government for providing all these social services. It seems to me that the church must accept at least part of the responsibility for this as well.
As such, I am examining myself along these lines and I want to call all Christians to do the same. Are we stepping out to help those who are in need? What might God be calling you and your church to be doing in this area?
If needy people get re-buffed by the church, what are they to do? At that point, I really don't blame them for turning to the government to help them in their time of need.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
20 hours ago
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