And with that quote, Obama demonstrates one of the many reasons this country is having so many problems.
When you create, foster, and encourage a mentality that says that things are a "right" and the government owes me, you create all sorts of problems. Look at welfare. What you have is a system that was originally intended to be a safety net to help those who are in trouble twisted and manipulated into something that enables people to sponge off of the government for their living. They grow to depend on these monthly checks and lose all incentive to try to find work or gain independence.
If Health Insurance is a right, it will be mandated by the government. If it's mandated by the government, you and I will have to pay taxes into the system to ensure that everyone in the country receives this "right."
Do we really want a country that believes that more and more things are "rights"? People get really demanding when they feel their rights are violated. If more things becomes rights, more people will get more demanding. And Mr. Joe Taxpayer is going to have to foot the bill, as always. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Whatever happened to being thankful for what we have instead of whining and complaining about what we don't have? Whatever happened to turning to our neighbors, our friends, our families, our local network of support to help us achieve our goals? Must the government provide us with everything?
When the country thinks the goverment "owes" us stuff, we are abdicating our responsibility and giving all the power to the government.
Remember, whatever the government has the power to give us, it has the power to take away.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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