Thursday, September 18, 2008

My First Post

As I mention in my profile, I have gradually moved from being disinterested in anything that doesn't concern me, to mildly interested, to where I am now: intensely interested and gravely concerned. As way of an introduction, let me give you a quick overview of my journey along these lines.

At first, it was just the big events happening in our country that held my attention. Once the blast of attention from that faded, I would sink back into my own little world and pay attention to things that only mattered to me. Then another major event would happen that would get my attention and then another. Over time, it took less momentous things to get my attention and so my attention was grabbed more often. As I watched these things, I began to thirst for more. I began to look for other ways to access information about the world around me, which then fed into my interest and the cycle continued.

But then something critical began to happen inside my head:

I began to see little CONNECTIONS between what was happening "out there" in the big world and my personal life.

What a game-changer that was! After that, my interest became personal and I began to actually emotionally respond to what I was watching around the country. I no longer consider myself just some innocent bystander in the big world of events out there. That stuff really does impact me, my family, my way of life, and everything I believe in and stand for. I am discovering that there is nothing that is left untouched by current events. It all matters.

And that brings me to this blog. In so many ways, I do not like what I see and am concerned for the future of this country. I can no longer stand by idly watching, worrying, hoping that things will get better. I must act!

I am not sure what that will look like yet, but this blog is a start. I must work out for myself what my role is in the great big world and I would love to have others join me on this journey.

Here's what you can expect from me:

  • Honesty. I am, in part, taking a personal journey. To me, this must be honest for it to be worth it.
  • Challenge. I have a lot to say and I'm sure that not everything I say will be comfortable (for you or for me!). That's okay.
  • Imperfection. Right off the bat, I want to say that I am not claiming perfection in anything. If I am wrong, I want you to call me on it!
  • Opinion. I have lots of opinions on lots of things. That's what makes life fun, yeah?

So this is me and my blog. Let's see where the road goes!


Stew said...

The first comment for the first post.

Catherine said...

Good that you got that first comment out of the way. I'm looking forward to catching up!